
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Diane's Hippie Party

When we did this party for Diane last year, it was originally supposed to be Michael and John as a duo. John invited Steve and me to join them. It was the very first gig we did together. So, last night was a sort of 'anniversary' for our band. And.....Michael is Back!!

On the left is Marty, Michael's wife. He was still not okay to drive to the gig and she was his Chauffeur. Marty is very supportive of Michael's music and of the band. It was fun to have her there.

Here is a little video of Michael Bowers being funny, and then Marty talking about Michael's surgery. are adorable!!!

When we set up and tear down, everybody helps. Steve thinks he is so funny:

I call it "Dad" humor. Kinda corny...but I like it!

Sometimes it's hard to recognize people when they are in Hippie dress. I saw someone at at show and she asked me which one was my husband. I pointed to Steve and she said that she thought I was married to the "blond guy" at the Hippie Show. Hmmmm. Yep. That is Steve, also known as the "blond Guy".

Diane has a lovely home and very fun friends!



Michael Bowers on drums.

Another first for us. Michael S and Steve played guitar together tonight. Steve only played a little. I am looking forward to some guitar solo duels in the future!! I understand that there is a lot we can do with two guitars. Steve can back Michal up on some of the songs. Won't that be great?

Mmmmmm can't say enough about the food!! Yummy! This party is so fun and Diane and her husband make us feel so welcome. I told her that it feels like we are not just playing for the party....we are "at" the party too!

And, did I tell you that this group loves to DANCE!?

Here is Michael singing "Hey Jude" by special request. Perfect for our Hippie Themed show.

They danced right up to the last song. Only 1 complaint from neighbors. A very good night!!

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