
Friday, January 14, 2011

They love to dance!

Yes...they DO love to dance and it's so much fun for us to play for them!  We are grateful to be invited back each month to play for this wonderful group.  The atmosphere is perfect, with a mirror ball twinkling lights and a huge ballroom dance floor (which is full the entire night!).  

In the past, we have played this show without a drummer.  We used a drum machine to keep the beat.  But, this time, Jerry joined us and WOW, it was fantastic.  

Almost everyone dances and they really know  how to dance.  I just love this couple...they are FANTASTIC!  I tried to capture it on video, but unfortunately it's too dark to see them!

I did a little research on the internet and was able to lighten up the video so you could see all of their fabulous dance moves....enjoy:

Steve stepped away to video me, how sweet!  What's funny is that the video has a gap in the middle where his harp (harmonica) solo was.  Usually he just videotapes himself!  Here is just the first part:

Our dear friends, Karen and Deiter were there and mmmm mmm mmm Karen baked goodies for us all!  She didn't know about Jerry, so Michael opened his package and shared it with the whole band.  Before long, we opened our package too!  Oh my gosh....we were all on a sugar HIGH for the last set!  Thank you Karen!!  You are a terrific baker and we love you for thinking of us!

We are truly looking forward to playing for the Stockton Singles again on February 11...get out your dancing shoes and join us!  If you would like to come, please contact Dan for more information, 209-951-0554. 

Thank you to the Stockton Singles for having us.  

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